Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Still growing strong!

Everything's still going great here, busy busy busy!
So we went in for our 20 week ultrasound right before Christmas and it was AMAZING! We are definitely having a GIRL! It was a very clear shot! Haha! It was incredible seeing how much she's grown since the last ultrasound! And everything looks perfect - she has all 5 fingers and toes, and a cute little nose, and all her bones and organs looks great! And she's VERY active - lost of kicks and punches and rolls! I can feel her all the time now, and I love it! Every single little movement puts a smile on my face cuz it's a constant reminder of the little blessing growing in me! It's just an incredible miracle from God!
Our 24 week appointment also went very well, everything's measuring right on track and her heartbeat is 156. Very healthy!
We registered at Target and Babies R Us within the last few weeks. Talk about overwhelming!!! There are soo many options for everything, which is a good thing, but still overwhelming! We've decided to do most of the bigger items at Babies R Us because there are so many more options, and we did the smaller things at Target - with a few duplicates between the 2 places.

We've also started setting up the nursery. Ben and Chuck painted it - it's called "Christopher Robin's Swing"- a subtle yet bright sage green kind of color. We LOVE it! We set up the crib and changing table, both which are a honey oak color. AND we got the bedding! We originally registered for it at Target, but then went there one day to find it on clearance for super cheap so bought it! It's all pink and green with touches of brown, and a polka dot and flower theme. Soo cute! We'll hang the comforter on the wall since you obviously can't use a comforter on a newborn! (I think it's silly they even include them in baby bedding sets - but kind of cute too)
Here are pics of the bedding, crib, and changing table (minus the baskets):

So our next step is childcare, which we've started looking into. And holy cow, daycare is so ridiculously expensive! We're looking for home daycare options or nannies, if we can find one we can afford. And I didn't realize how early you need to find a pediatrician, so that's on our to-do list too!
I feel like we're running out of time to do all the things we need to do! Haha! But at the same time, it doesn't seem like she can get here soon enough! If only we could figure out what to name her! We have our top options, but it's just a matter of deciding which name we like best. I think we're going to have to wait and meet her to know what her name will be!
So basically, we've been very busy getting things ready for our little baby girl! Can't wait!

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